Sea Moss (Wild crafted)

R138.00 (incl. VAT)

Sea moss comprises 92 of the 102 minerals that comprise the human body. A Demulcents, expectorate, emollient, anti-inflammatory

Stay in the recommended dosage. Avoid or use with extreme caution if allergic to iodine.


190 in stock



        1. CONDITIONS

Soothes inflamed mucous membrane, releive stubborn mucus from respiratory, bone & joint support, prostate, thyroid support, skin conditions


Consume as tea. 1 teaspoon 1-2 daily. Sea Moss gel – 1-2 tablespoon daily.

Main Ingredients: Wild crafted sea moss

2 reviews for Sea Moss (Wild crafted)

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  2. Avatar


    Bought the gel and the raw one, the stuff gave me instructions on how to make the gel 1 out of the raw believe me after the magic I felt like a pro… My 2yr suffered was bronchitis just a spoon in her oats I’m getting relieved day by day thank you

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